Asian Women Need To Stop Dating White Men

By Anne Gus

Originally posted on ThoughtCatalog:

“They’re everywhere. I can’t walk half a yard down the high-fashion streets of Boston with my girlfriends without being visually assaulted by them. They are such an eyesore that I wish they would just put a big fat trigger warning on themselves, or just like wear one of those blankets that women from the Mid-East wear, jihads, or whatever, and cover up completely. Everytime I see one I can’t help but feel as though the Patriarchy is giving me a big fat Bitch slap on my rosy, supple 23 year old cheeks.

I am referring, of course, to WMAW couples: White Man – Asian Woman couples.


Okay, so now you might be thinking like, Gosh Anne, why you gotta be all racist, they’re strong, independent yellow women, choosing their own partners in life. If they wanna date a white man, all the more power to them, right?

Wrong. The WMAW phenomenon is itself one steeped in Patriarchal values, sexism and racism. Ever since its breakout, it has caused white men to trick millions of Asian women into relationships in which they’re being heavily taken advantage of…”

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